LibertyPen asked:
Professor Williams explains the dynamics of the minimum wage law and why it discriminates against low-skill or “non-preferred workers”.
Professor Williams explains the dynamics of the minimum wage law and why it discriminates against low-skill or “non-preferred workers”.
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Why does there have to be a minimum wage? If they dont offer enough, make a
counter offer after explaining why your labour is worth more than they
offer. If they turn you down, look for someone who will pay you what you
feel entitled to or find a compromise and also look at what everyone else
is payed. if you are still unsatisfied, go to school or start a business.
Registry Cleen
The minimum wage was invented in south Africa as a means to keep the black
majority down and out of the labour market.
The freedom to negotiate your contract. So simple, its a shame many don’t
get it.
A man with the ability to communicate in a very effective manner to all
walks of life.
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Every time somebody starts to speak about minorities you should be asking
what minorities. Minorities in what characteristic? Humans have thousands
of qualities and most people belong in minorities in some of them. Why are
people only talking about racial minorities? Why not intellectual
minorities? Why not moral minorities? Could it be that the race is the most
important quality for them and thats why they refer to racial minorities as
just minorities.
Minorities should always be less important. If you care about people you
should care more about more people. Not less.
This theory must be tempered by the knowledge that businesses collude both
to raise prices and to lower wages.
Australia has a min wage around $18/hr. That’s why bananas grown 50 miles
from my house cost more than in Canada where they are imported from
Honduras. All a high min wage does is drive inflation and lock more and
more people out of the job market, increasing their dependency on the
state, justifying even more government intervention.
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See! see! another old white male who wants to keep the poor people down! Oh
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Unemployment rates among black teens is higher today than it was during the
worst part of the Great Depression. That ought to tell you something.
What a load of bullshit.
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New Site
This man should be the President. Obama is not even half as smart as Walter
Here’s a perspective, I would really be interested on Mr Williams take on
We have minimum wage legislation and that in the main make us feel good
about ourselves, look how we are looking out for those less fortunate than
My key question would be, say we increased the minimum wage to $10-00 or
what ever prevailing currency area you happen to live within. How good
would we feel about ourselves? How long would the financial advantage last.
I suggest that any advantage gained would be very short lived before the
corporates found ways to increase prices to negate any advantage,
everything would go up in price to reflect that new spending power.
Mr Williams is right in his assertions for the wrong reasons. We live in a
real world where competition is king, if we pay 10 per hour for 5 per hour
in value added terms the equation is finite and unsustainable.
In terms of the global perspective, China pays it’s workers next to nothing
and they are viewed as consumables, wing wong’s died for his efforts, it
doesn’t matter hire another.
The reality in this world is compete, protect or perish. You can’t pay
someone twice the value that they produce without protecting yourself from
those who have no such scruples.
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Walter E Williams – The Effects Of Minimum Wage:
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Check out this video on YouTube:
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It should be based on the profits, or success of the corporation.
If I want to work for a few weeks for the small farmer down the road it’s
our business.
When people are poor and have to have a ‘job,’ which for most isn’t
voluntary, it’s desperation. When they have to spend 50 weeks a year(and
often nowadays on constant mandatory overtime) in some shithole because
that’s all that’s available in that area(and not all want to relocate for
good reasons) then they should be able to expect to ‘make a living(an
existence)’ without being treated like a jackass.
Why do you think corporations pay lobbyists? For the public good? Please.
Libertarianism is great for ‘the little man’ but the damned corporations
don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘human capital’ and ‘consumers’ because
they respect us as human beings. Look at what google is up to:
Don’t think those assholes respect us for a heartbeat.
If we don’t want the govt. treating us like jackasses why do we want to
allow our employers that ‘right?’
Don’t understand? Start here:
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The man.
think tank
Walter E Williams – The Effects Of Minimum Wage