Mini Happy Meal! Here is the complete set of 8 McDonald’s Happy Meal Magic Happy Meal Maker Sets! Buy Here ▷ Lucky …
Mini Happy Meal! Here is the complete set of 8 McDonald’s Happy Meal Magic Happy Meal Maker Sets! Buy Here ▷ Lucky …
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Here it is…the complete collection of Happy Meal Makers!
** Which is your favorite one? Leave a comment below **
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#HappyMealMagic #McDonaldsFoodMakers #MattelToys
gay chat
You have the best job ever!
I watched you for the first time a couple of years ago when i was 9 and i
forgot the name of your channel and now I’ve found you again! And I’m so
happy i did find you again
luxury Limos
Those things aren’t really eatable or? I am not a kid anymore but I find
all your videos highly intersting.
McDonald’s doesn’t serve cookies, ice cream or smoothies
it looks so sad when you do it. make me shed a tear when a full grown man
is doing this. :(
english lit
The fact that the U.S.A happy meals included 6 nuggets, and like 3 cookies
is INSANE! Here in Canada it had always been apple slices, or a small fires
with a yogurt tube as desert! The main meal or course was only 3 nuggets,
or one small burger! Just is eye opening to how unhealthy the world is..
Auto Shippers
i got the same set for christmas the whole thing and i was so happy i
watched all the vids and i tryed the recipes and it came out just fine. so
what im trying to say is im defiantly hitting that like and subscribe
Love your sound affex
New Site
Did you know that the chicken nuggets in McDonald’s are poisoned
damn. I want this, great job
New Site
Are u brittany and briannas dad u sound like him who else thinks he is ????
Credit Unions are better
Wow Yet another Great video!
Never a surprise when you make and post these Amazing vids!
~Thanks For your Continuous Effort~
This is how McDonald’s makes there food
All About FB
Soooooooo jealous want to eat the food you made
earnings date
I love your videos
New Site
I love your videos I am like your biggest fan there is
bad bank-good
I’m using my dads tabelet and I really liked your video cause I love
mcdonalas so much I really want to know where you got that set
mortgage star
Did you reuse the makers?
Concert Videos
You need to focus ur videos because I could barley see it +The Lucky Penny
is real food ? yes or no?
I love this channel, and I am Brazillian . kisses sings: Mv.
PS: I know English, but , I used the google translator to write.(laughs)
.kkkkk ! KISSES , bye!
mac software
Can you use playdoh
New Site
This looks great but the only problem about it though is that it might
inspire kids to work in fast food restaurants
celebrity scandals
Love it this is so awesome love your vids!!!