Canada’s Worst Job Loss in 2 Years Due to Global Crisis 2011

peoplestandupca asked: Ouch. Or as chief economist Avery Shenfeld at CIBC World Markets put it: “Suddenly the jobs market doesn’t look quite so rosy in Canada.” It sure doesn’t. After a year in which employment growth remained inexplicably strong through thick and thin, it came thumping back to earth in October with the loss of 54000 jobs. That’s the biggest monthly decline since early 2009, when we were in the middle of a recession. As a result, national unemployment ticked up to 7.3 per cent from 7.1 per cent in September. There were particularly big jumps in Quebec, to 7.7 per cent from 7.3, and Ontario, to 8.1 per cent from 7.6. On the other hand, the details of this report suggest that it’s more likely to reflect a temporary soft spot in economic growth than the beginning of a long slump. The most likely scenario is that Canada – blessed by the presence of plentiful oil and the absence of a housing crisis – has finally seen its unusually strong economy dragged down by faltering exports to the US Given this, growing signs of a return to health south of the border provide reason to believe that Canadian job creation will climb back to a healthier pace over the coming year. When we look back at Canada’s volatile monthly job numbers over this year, we can see a sharp decline in the trend of employment growth. Over the past three months, average job growth was flat. By comparison, the first three months of this year showed robust average growth of 27600. The major problem

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16 thoughts on “Canada’s Worst Job Loss in 2 Years Due to Global Crisis 2011

  1. new site

    new site

    Harper is not concerned. Does he look concerned ever? No, He doesn’t. But, in reaction to loss of jobs in Canada the Canadian government should be lowering the costs of living. If they can’t provide us with enough jobs they should be providing us with accommodated living costs. Gas alone is enough to kill a family’s bank account. 36 cents/liter in BC and 39 cents/liter in Ontario goes to taxes. ON EVERY SINGLE LITER.

  2. new site

    new site

    If you take an average of 37.5 cents/liter between the two provinces and times it by 1 000 000 liters a day that’s $37 500 000.00 A DAY in gas tax revenue. In gas alone! And that’s only two provinces at 1 000 000 liters a day, which I think is a very low consumption rate per day for the two provinces combined. But it’s a figure large enough for you to see just how much money the government makes off of gasoline alone. There are solutions, but the ones on top are too greedy to make them happen.

  3. new site

    new site

    Whats it like for plumbers and the utilities industry for getting jobs? I’m qualified in the UK as a apprentice trained plumber and domestic gas- with college certs etc- considering giving it ago- I have family Toronto who live there permanentally. Its a dream I’ve had for a while to move over just wondering Ifs its the wrong time? any thoughts- I would be prepared to do other things other than my trade.

  4. new site

    new site

    The numbers are choppy. They go up and down all the time. They said this themselves. The MEDIA said it was AWEFUL. But what do the numbers look like from a greater perspective? Quite small. All this talk of businesses being more cautious HAS THE EFFECT of making businesses more cautious. The recession is something ‘they’ want to happen and the media and fear porn like this is a tool.

  5. new site

    new site

    Hahaha FUNNY! Harper still denies that we are in a serious recession (or one at all) here in Canada! It’s due to a lack of confidence due to the European Market! LOL Funny, funny man..

  6. new site

    new site

    I am 34 with a college diploma, university education (no degree), and years of experience in many various areas. In the last year I’ve been employed for a grand total of 4 months. The employment was only part-time at $10/hr. I really enjoyed that job until my slacker manager decided she didn’t like my attempt at actual WORK and fired me in July without giving a reason. I finally started another job after sending out 6-8 resumes a week…lo and behold, it’s another part-time job at minimum wage.

  7. new site

    new site

    It is a crisis, but Canada is the sheep capital contry of the world. People do NOT give a rats ass about their nieghbor or their family member in some cases, and I came from one of those horrible evil famly’s with an evil witch mom ande dad. I hate them so much too.

  8. new site

    new site

    no joke – i cannot find a job…period!! in this new world it’s all about who’s ass you know or who’s ass you kiss…another area that seriously needs an improvement or revolutionary new way for fairness:) At this point we operate a new lottery..the job lottery. Lost my job due to corruption within CIBC…would have had a winning lawsuit, but our society lets you go after justice only if you have $120,000 to spend on legal fees and of course years to give to it, bad for health too these fights:(


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