xtweeker9 asked:
Check out this animated episode of The Woody Show by: called “Greg’s Office Max Freakout!”. Greg describes his terrible experience with Office Max and their staff. The moral of the story… Price things correctly people!
Check out this animated episode of The Woody Show by: called “Greg’s Office Max Freakout!”. Greg describes his terrible experience with Office Max and their staff. The moral of the story… Price things correctly people!
Auto Shippers
Um yeah. This is a prime example of how fucking STUPID customers are. Like it’s not ANY STORE’S FAULT that fucking idiot customers can’t put shit back in the correct spots.
cambodia Vacation
I remember this radio show.
food festivals
this is hilarious! i worked for office max and had a supervisor who was just like this . . . she wanted to screw anyone out of their money any chance she could and say no to anything to save a buck for Office Max. any smart employee who worked for Office Max before they re-did their customer service values knows that right away you take care of the customer, with no customer you have no job. it’s gone down hill and this is why i’m happy not to work for them anymore
New Site
Obviously this idiot has never worked in a retail environment. Getting products to be in their perfect little spot is not always the easiest thing to do. The solution would be to modify the price down to what the customer expected and then an associate should fix the signage accordingly.
Even so, you shouldn’t flip out over something like this.
unblock rocks
“Bread-n-butter being the customer.”
New Site
yeah. we woulda done the same thing at our store.
SU Party
the store i work at woulda fixed those prices for ya.. 4 bucks isnt a big deal on that planner.
medical leasing
“You’re an a–WHERE’S YOUR MANAGER!?”
PC parts
unfortunately this is true.
Lottery KY
I would have told that Greg dude to kiss my ass and get the fuck out of the store
New Site
Yeah. I’ve caught customers switching price tags. My mora. Fuck the customer. lol OfficeMax does suck though, but both suck.
convert to EFI
So funny. Dam live went down hill after the woody show. No name sucks I rather KGO:)
New proxy
saw the full episode on krunchd(dot)com/freebietv
New Site
That shit happens ALL the time at my store… I work as a cashier, floor associate and other departments… usually I ask where they found it and say “Hmm, someone put it in the wrong spot but we’ll still honor the price” so… essentially the cashiers were stupid both times and should know how to work their register and deal with said confrontations… meh… my business side popped out… regardless it was hilarious
Free Ebooks
Video was Funny! I actually work for OfficeMax as a mgr. I would take care of the customer. I feel that its not your fault like gregs guy said. Funny Video!
bad broker?
if you are watching this hopefully you’ll know that greg gory was fired fromlive 105
Greg’s a little bitch..
trusted lending
it’s too bad the show is gone now and the Greg turned out to be a weasel backstabber.
hahaha i love how gregs person
looks soooo mean!!! awesome vid!!
veags deals
i cried laughing
New Site
walmart sucks
I love how the comment section has become a testimonial page for customer service. I agree the people who work at these big box stores have terrible customer service habits, and I think it comes from their dislike of their job.
Great story though, and thanks for watching.
who called
really well done. love the expressions. good timing too. this style works well with the woody shows comedy… i’d love to see more.
bad broker?
omg!!! This same exact thing happened to me a week ago WITH THE GODDAMNED DAY PLANNERS!!! IT WAS 16.99 WHEN IT WAS MARKED 10.99!!!