FoxNewsInsider asked:
Megyn Kelly reports that four Walmart employees were fired after disarming an shoplifter armed with a weapon. Walmart says they violated company policy and put shoppers and workers in danger. Shawn Ray, one of the people who lost his job, joined Megyn. For more from the Fox News Insider, check out
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Policy is in place to protect the company no matter who it hurts. Them heros protecting them selfs as well the customers from getting shot is what america is all about. Not WALMART.
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New Site
They were fired because 4 employees united together to disarm this guy. WalMart hates unions.
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Lol stupid walmart, probably run by dumb conservative gun nuts.
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I always see people shoplifting in walmart when i used to shop there and i wouldn’t say anything to security. that is what you have to do,when you work there
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walmart doen’t want to get sued, that is why they fired them. walmart ceos are a piece of work. a bunch of pussies
New Ratings
why does anybody shop at walmart they such.
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One more reason to BOYCOTT WALMART.
WALMART as a corporation has ZERO concern for its customers, and much less concern for its associates. Walmart parking lots and vestibules are the least secure of all retailers nationwide. The associates did protect the other associates, the customer, and the perpetrator until police arrived. Otherwise, the guy could have been a mass murderer, for all Walmart officials cared.
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Bureaucracy at work
Alternative Energy
Haha nice job Wal-Mart, way to not analyze the situation and fire 4 hard working employees who saved lives that day.
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Maybe at the most what should have happened were these four security professional be temporarily tranferred to other nearby stores and once the trial( if there was one ) testify in court and then be compensated with a nice vacation package.
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ummm what are you talking about panda breath?
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Scumbag walmart
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Do you speak English or did you swim here recently???
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Fool. Sam Walton was a Presbyterian. Go tax yourself, obamabot!
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This was dead wrong! These men should not have been fired.
New Site
Job well done guys… Screw wal-mart..
I hope this guy Shawn Ray ended up going into law enforcement. He seems pretty brave and he talks JUST LIKE A COP.
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Where were the cops. Our store has cops too. That walmart just wanted one of you shot.
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Walmart only cares about one thing ” Money ” This is why USBank should join walmart
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Samual Walton was a Presbyterian…retard!
wow… bit of a stretch but it is youtube so everything has to be about Jews or Muslims. Walmart is owned by the Walton family who is definitely not Jewish. But hey don’t let a silly little fact like that stop you from blaming them anyway. HAZAH
New Site
i bet all 4’s raises were near and whats the best way not to give a raise? fire them ofcorse …
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Typical…follow the policy or not ….. Your fired!
Fancy Kitchen
……..and they probably would have been fired for following policy had the suspect escaped and shot a customer.