PBS NewsHour asked:
Seattle’s push to raise the minimum wage to $15 has left owners and workers in the city’s restaurant industry conflicted. Caught between moral pressure on the one hand, and market pressure…
Seattle’s push to raise the minimum wage to $15 has left owners and workers in the city’s restaurant industry conflicted. Caught between moral pressure on the one hand, and market pressure…
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The level of selfishness and ignorance in these comments is so
disappointing. Here we have people who cannot afford an education on
minimum wage – let alone even survive – and here people comment saying
“you’re worth what you’re paid” and it’s so disheartening. I worked a
minimum wage job (dishwasher) at a restaurant and now I’m graduating from
university with BS in engineering only because I have parents that can pay
for it. I know this as I have friends where it’s taken up to 10 years to
get a bachelors degree as they spend one year in class with their
boyfriend/girlfriend also working and the next year them both working to
pay for the next year’s tuition. If I wasn’t lucky to have parents that
supported me, I would have a minimum wage job until I meet someone to help
work … $7/hr after taxes won’t even pay for the cheapest studio apartment
in Seattle let alone save up for tuition.
To be honest, $15/hr isn’t very generous, $18-$20/hr would be better.
Even BY increasing the price of a burger from a 1.50 to 1.55 would MAKE A
HUGE HUGE fucking difference in profit! VISUALIZE PEOPLE!
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Minimum wage is not meant to live on.
If you raised employees of a grocery story to $15 an hour the items on your
food would go up 7 cents per item that’s the reality it wouldn’t make stuff
go up that much in fast food you’re already getting ripped off so don’t try
to defend that you get a half pound of potatoes for $2 it costs the store
15 cents a pound of potatoes costing 8 cents fountain drinks same thing its
ten dollars for a large meal any where you go I wouldn’t be eating there
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would you rather make $7.15 an hour or not have a job and make $0 an hour?
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I promise all the restaurant workers that when the minimum wage is raised
to $15.00, getting a tip from me will be the least of your problems,
because by raising the minimum wage to $15.00, you won’t need my tips to
subsidize your pay any longer. And I will be able to tip workers who
actually provide me legitimately EXCELLENT customer service as opposed to
tipping people because of the off-chance that I don’t, you might not make
your rent this month.
If your margins are so razor-thin, business people, you are obviously in a
over-saturated marketplace where you have no clear competitive advantage.
You’re better off shutting down your business, getting a job, and freeing
up that capital for people who actually have a winning idea, product,
and/or business model.
Welcome to capitalism…
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So young kids being in their first job ever should get $ 15 bucks an hr ?
Dicks Restaurant should provide all the other benefits ? Seattle is so
stupid they deserve what the are about to not get .
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Why stop at $15?
Raise it to $100 an hour.
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Seattle is going to turn into a shithole if minimum wage is raised to
$15/hr. Employers are going to lay off hundreds of workers because they can
no longer afford to hire them, which will lead to a spike in the
unemployment rate. Cost of living is going to raise even further than it
currently already is. With tax too, already being so high, tax payers are
going to be forced to pay up the ass in a ever higher tax rate to assist
the unemployed. Robbing, looting, shooting and drug dealing will slowly
creep in and eventually become a normal everyday activity. Way to go
clueless, lazy, no skill having, burger flipping, entry level ass,
self-entitled idiots. You will be the cause of your own misery.
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You dumb fucking liberals still have not once in any coherent fashion
explained to me why $15/hour is good. Just make it 2 kazillion dollars then.
I know you self righteous assholes love children and minorities so much. So
how is a black teen from an impoverished background ever suppose to get out
now. Nobody’s gonna hire that kid now to flip burgers for essentially 30
dollars an hour after payroll taxes, regulation compliance, training, and a
boat ton other fucking things you dumb fucking liberals never think about
but sure the fuck create.
lol, liberalism. it wouldn’t be so funny if it weren’t for the fact that
you will always inevitably get your way, like a bunch a titty sucking momma
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that bitch got college degree and is still flipping burgers. makes a lot of
fucking sense when you’re paid more flipping burgers than in office job.
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Yeah 15 bucks an hours will hurt a lot of mom and papas stores there. I bet
some already before this bill pass was struggling to pay off debts. Now
they may have to close up shop.I get it that minimum wage does need to
increase everywhere, but 15 bucks an hour is a little to much. At less
10.50 or 11.50 an hour is fair.
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Look at Iceland before the bank crash was one of the wealthiest nations.
With 80-90% unionization anyone employed has the right to earn a living.
Even servers are paid so well, tipping is generally frowned upon. When you
help the working people and not the CEOs and the working citizens are also
treated like the consumers they are, you have an economy that works!
Increasing the minimum wage by a few dollars may raise prices by mere
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Why not a 1500 , 15 million or 15 trillion dollar per hour minimum wage?
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It amazes me that this restaurant is able to pay their employees more and
give better benefits than a multi-billion dollar company like Walmart
So it took me 4 years of trade school working a full time job and part time
job to pay for that shooling and 5 years of making below 12.50 a hour to
make 15 a hour and 8 years latter I now make 35 a hour so now a pot head
flipping burgers can make half of what I make. Don’t get me wrong I know
not everybody that works at McDonalds or Walmart are lazy or ignorant and
don’t have any self motivation but were does it stop.
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Seattle will soon be the new Detroit. Welcome to it, libtards.
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Well reality has come forth. Even before the April 1st min wage pay
hike, many restaurants have closed and moved out because they did the math
and see that they can not do 15 hr min wage. So the result of the min
wage hike, we have more unemployment in Seatte. Damn that was so
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some people are so fuckin brainwashed man.
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You’re worth what you make. And fact is fast food workers aren’t worth
your business seems to me to be agest and segreated of people who are
older…you are making a killing on healthy young people . bulshit family of
fives still have a tough time eating out….fuck the assholes who will pay
more for their single hamburger…..
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What will Seattle do when some of the 11 million illegals here move there
and apply for those same $15/hr jobs? Fuckin stupid. Why not make min wage
$50/hr or pay entry level workers $50,000 a year? You let the free market
determine wages along with company competition, creating an employee’s
market,the applicants themselves,supply & demand, and less damn gov’t
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Why continue “inflation” *Devaluation*? Why do we not start bringing the
cost of living DOWN instead????
What’s that girl doing working at a fast food restaurant after having a
college degree?