@90980 No, no, no and more NO! Silver goes up way faster and higher than anything else including the price of food. Sell the silver as it goes up and you’ll be able to buy A LOT more food than originally planned. Silver has gone up 1000% in 8+ years. Gold has gone up 700%+. Is food 700 or 1000% higher now than 8 years ago? Nope, not even remotely close. Get silver!
The economy shall not ever recover at this point. The only thing that is keeping things “normal” for most people is the USA dollars that the federal government keeps printing.
Our economy is done already. If is only a matter of time before the collapse.
new site
@90980 No, no, no and more NO! Silver goes up way faster and higher than anything else including the price of food. Sell the silver as it goes up and you’ll be able to buy A LOT more food than originally planned. Silver has gone up 1000% in 8+ years. Gold has gone up 700%+. Is food 700 or 1000% higher now than 8 years ago? Nope, not even remotely close. Get silver!
new site
buy food cuz u cant eat silver or gold.
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LMAO Yeah, I like something different though, great video!
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it’s like watching one of those 1930’s movies, only in color 🙂
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by the way joe – the audio was completely out od sync with video – at least on my end
– p.s – great job
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we get it – it is a preamble to a full depression
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video audio sync is off
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bigfoot at 7:54
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Reminds me of godzilla .
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Wasn’t Bob Chapman missing recently? What, he is back? Should I care? xo
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he’s really japanese …the video is dubbed ..he also does kungfu on the side
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Bob Chapman is the man and he called for shorting BofA….and long on gold and silver!!!
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great video joe
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Bob Champan is the man and he called shorting BofA….and long gold and silver!!!
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turkey a military power house today
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Audio is out of sync.
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I think their was a problem with the upload o.o
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Joe! How’d you do that? You are a computer whiz!
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haha he looks like hes turning Japaneese , I think hes turning japaneest i really think so
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That was fun! I’m not good at reading lips 😉
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Yep Lip Synking, but message is still pretty good 🙂
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The economy shall not ever recover at this point. The only thing that is keeping things “normal” for most people is the USA dollars that the federal government keeps printing.
Our economy is done already. If is only a matter of time before the collapse.