Rip-Off HDMI Cables

MoneyTalksNews asked:

What’s the difference between $50 HDMI cables and $5 ones?

new site

25 thoughts on “Rip-Off HDMI Cables

  1. new site

    new site

    I have my satellite box connected to my TV with a HDMI lead that me £1.49 from Ebay. Great picture, no problems whatsoever. 🙂 🙂 I have seen prices that would make your eyes water!

  2. new site

    new site

    my dad just bought a 35$ hdmi for his new tv and it was very slow(streaming from xbox) then returned that and spent an extra 30$ and it was all crystal clear and it didnt have any slowness to it

  3. new site

    new site

    I figured out how to connect my laptop to my flat screen tv, and i went out to radioshack to find a hdmi cable and the cheapest one was 30$ I remember seeing one online for 3 bucks and said “screw this” I than went to the Walmart nearby and bought an 6 ft hdmi cable for 9 bucks. I just feel bad for the people that are going to get scammed.

  4. new site

    new site

    Keep in mind that HDMI is a digital signal, so the cable doesn’t matter, same with DVI and Display Port. When it comes to an analog signal like VGA, a better cable is worth your money.

  5. new site

    new site

    We are ALL in an Electronic HDTV Age of Confusion even by Expert T.V. Repairmen and Technicians. In 2011, I have Technicians-T.V. Repairman supporting ALL LCD, LED,Plasma Flat Panel Technologies. Some Argue the Advantages of LCDs High Brightness Factors of 500Cd/M^2,LED=450 Cd/M^2, others Argue Plasma’s 600Hz Refresh!All other Technician-Repairman Say they have Photographed LCD-LED 1/4000th a Second Shutter Speeds which shows that the Actual Hertz now of LCDs & LEDs is Beyond 4,000 Hertz!

  6. new site

    new site

    Ebay has great hdmi cables for cheap alot of these companys charge like hell simply because of the brand name, and they tell you more expensive cables are better n ppl just blindly will believe a sales man. All those assholes are trying to do is make a quick buck and fuck you over, they dnt care if they empty ur pockets… facts are facts so do ur research and stop getting messed with!!!


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