Adult Grilled Cheese – America’s Next Great Restaurant – Rip-Off

ipodnanomart asked:

The grilled cheese restaurant idea on the television show America’s Next Great Restaurant on NBC is a blatant rip-off of an existent chain called Chedd’s, located in Denver Colorado. The America’s Next Great Restaurant contestant, Eric Powell, claims that he has been working on this idea since 2004: “How long have you been working on bringing Meltworks to reality? A long time — too long in fact (I’m sooo ready to be open for business). I had a seed of the idea as far back as 2004, but didn’t really consider it as a project until 2005. I started working on it myself in early 2005 and wrote a draft of a business plan. This process caused me to realize that I knew virtually nothing about the restaurant business and that I had to educate myself on the business and find some experienced help.” Here’s a link to the whole article: A quote on NBC’s own website states: “Powell’s plan of attack came during a drunken brainstorm with best friends, to liberate them from corporate misery. They decided on a concept based around the simple idea of the grown-up grilled cheese sandwich. Instead of wonder bread and Kraft singles, Meltworks features the use of top-notch ingredients like Gruyere, fresh veggies, all-natural meats and freshly baked breads.” The fact is, this is a stolen idea. Not original in any way. A restaurant chain called Chedd’s, based in Denver, Colorado, has been in business since 2003. Refer to this article for more: I hate

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