Walmart Respect DC Flash Mob

RespectDC asked:

Respect DC flashmobbed Walmart to send a message to the world’s largest retailer. The message was LOUD and clear: Respect DC and Respect Associates. Thanks to District Circus Marching Band, Isaiah Toney, Vera Leone, and Kristen Arant ( for making great music! Thanks to Karlyn Williams for the creative choreography. A big thank you to all who participated in the event! Check out or for more information. If you are a Walmart associate, check out

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25 thoughts on “Walmart Respect DC Flash Mob

  1. new site

    new site

    This was sorta funny. I however do not have an issue with Walmart. Sure you would have to pay me to shop there because guess what customer service sucks. I have no problem with the big greedy corporation making money. What a great idea the founder had! I would be more than happy to be making 7.35 an hour. I am a nurse who has found it hard to find a job as a new nurse yet I am over “qualified” for anything else. So if someone is not happy with Walmart wages or benefits, pass your job to me.

  2. new site

    new site

    Ok as a current Wal-Mart Associate all i have to say is yes they need to pay more and allow more full time associates the rest i dont care about. I mean at my store the store manager shows us a lot of respect always thanking us for doing things and when we have concerns he gets on it right away. So i dont know what everyone else is going about taking care of issues but they aint going to resolve themselves.

  3. new site

    new site

    Haters stop it… These people got there point out from socal media the people in lybia used facebook for planing for freedom. So why cant these guys cant get some R.E.S.P.E.C.T

  4. new site

    new site

    If you want respect, stop acting stupid & go the the Wamart Home office and have a “Flash Mob.” Also, lady in black & white shirt, if you want respect, either shave or wear long sleeves! Sheesh!!!

  5. new site

    new site

    I’m a big believer of ” if you want respect, you need to earn it.” no one in management is going to think, “Gee! They bombarded our story, insulted us, and demanded we give them something they aren’t or won’t give us! Let’s do what they want us to do!” if you want to be heard AND get results (cause they did hear you), you need to do so in a better way. That way, you’ll have better results

  6. new site

    new site

    Here is a fantastic idea, if you don’t like working at Walmarts – QUIT! If the job is THAT bad then no one will work there and they will have to make changes. Here is a really BAD idea, stage a ‘flash mob’ and tick off customers and upper management. If you don’t like working there, then don’t. If you can do better, than do. But this was STUPID!!!

  7. new site

    new site

    My favorite part about this song is that its actually a song written by otis redding, and its about his bitch showin him some respect when he brings home the dough, not about womens rights.

  8. new site

    new site

    Oh you are certainly correct that I don’t give smiles to perfect strangers who are out there just to make my day SUCK. I’ve been in retail 3 years now, and the first year I gave free smiles like you give food at a shelter. Then, I realized that customers will be asses towards you either way, and now I give smiles only to those that deserve it. Let me tell you, I cope with work much easier and I don’t get pissed at utter childishness customers exhibit.See,buy,GET OUT.

  9. new site

    new site

    I work at a low-end retailer such as Walmart, and I can tell you this; the kind of customers we get; low lives, retards, morons and in general stupid people, you’d be paying us 50$ an hour just to put up with your ****. Needy customers need to be shot and thrown into ditch. Whoever disagrees with this has never worked in retail.


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