Tag Archives: Xbox 360

Walmart – Porter Ranch, CA – Black Friday Video Game Carnage

Deciple87 asked:

This video was taken at the Walmart in Porter Ranch, CA on November 24th, 2011 during the store’s Black Friday sales. What you’re seeing is a clip taken of a group of shoppers ripping and tearing at each other and a kiosk to get their hands on discounted Xbox 360 games. During the mayhem, one woman thought she was going to be robbed, so she pulled out her pepper spray and blasted the crowd. From my understanding another girl was shot directly in the face with the spray. You can see the Security guards escorting the girl in a white shirt away from the area at the end of the video. All this for a few video games…. This video was shot by Melissa Sampson. For media inquiries please email me at mattjarbo@gmail.com or message me on twitter at twitter.com — Thank you. UPDATE: I was contacted by KTLA 5 to do an interview about the incident. I posted a video about it in the comment section. Please watch.

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