Tag Archives: Having Fun

Engine Rip-off of the Century – How I got Screwed by Bill Mitchell Hardcore Racing

540merlin asked:

Four years ago I bought a crate engine from Bill Mitchell Hardcore Racing. It was a total dissaster from start to finish. Within a year the engine had become a coffee table in the reception area in my office. I can laugh at this $43000 screw up because it is 3 or 4 years ago now. And because I think I may get the last laugh. Watch the video all the way to the end to see why. Please send this video to everyone you know so that no one else gets burned like I did! UPDATE: 4 Sept 2009, Bill Mitchell Racing has UNsubscribed from my videos and deleted my video from his favorites. Guess he has no sense of humour… UPDATE: 5 Oct 2009, Bill Mitchell Racing has blocked me from his channel. Awww, I was having fun. UPDATE: 15 May 2011, Bill Mitchell has finally noticed my little video and has launched an aggressive counter attck to discredit me. Read the last 135 comments – it’s pretty funny. UPDATE: 17 May 2011, Bill Mitchell has disabled commenting to his videos to get rid of the huge number of negative comments. www.cafepress.com I’ve opened an online store where you can get 540Merlin T-shirts and other great stuff! This is the only source in the world for 540Merlin stuff.

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