TheRealNews asked:
Political activist Ralph Nader says Walmart’s decision to increase minimum wage to $10 by 2016 is a mini-victory for the labor movement but until a 40-hour work week is mandatory, workers will…
Political activist Ralph Nader says Walmart’s decision to increase minimum wage to $10 by 2016 is a mini-victory for the labor movement but until a 40-hour work week is mandatory, workers will…
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The USA is so busted arse they can’t pay people properly, and don’t care to.
That’s fascist societies for you…you’re nothing more than a commodity,
and your society is a busted arse corporation.
1:47 San Francisco adjusts every year for inflation and as of January 1st
2015, the minimum wage is $11.05/hour; exactly where Nader says the federal
minimum wage should be if it had been adjusted for inflation since 1968.
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You people need to pay your workers a liveable wage! You freakin devils!
You corporations are about slavery! Your time is coming!
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I’d vote for Ralph Nader before Clinton.
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So don’t work there and don’t shop there see how long it would last!
We could make short work of Walmart, watch their stores close permanently
and replace them with higher-paying mom and pop stores if the government
would stop showing favoritism to this piece of shit company.
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It still amazes me that it’s NOT the governments fault for constantly
inflating the dollar and skyrocketing the cost of living up.
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leftist, progressive agenda
$15 on the west coast is about the same as $10 everywhere else
further you can’t afford food, health care, shelter in the US even on $11
to $15 an hour.
You’re better off living in poverty – just crunch the numbers.
Further still, there’s nothing to reach for anymore, but time.
Sorry, what Ralph ends up advocating is still slavery.
If we want to continue this debt based system then we are will have to cap
profits and inheritance.
Lastly, we’ve reached the point with technology that people shouldn’t have
to work to justify their existence any more.
Education and community service should be required and offered to all or go
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go look at a map of wallmarts accos the country – their are thousands and
with these comapnies taking out all the small businbess they need to pay
them more ALL LARGE CORPORATIONS should pay more. Goddwill is supposed to
be Non Profit – but yet they are pushing their employees – but yet buying
up land … and building buildings .
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The state of washington is raising minium wage to 15 dollars an hour –
wallmart will have to pay this weather it likes it of not ! Minium wage
these days should be 12 dollars an hour adjusted for inflation.
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The Corporate slave system is set up for profit so the CEO and Board of
executives can live like kings while the workers toil like slaves !