thaipulsedotcom asked:
Dom draws the wrong straw and gets stuck with changing the light bulb in the King Cobra cage. There are 6 King Cobras in this exhibit and they are all venomous and with their fangs. Ophiophagus hannah is the largest (longest) venomous snake in the world, and it has enough venom to kill elephants, buffalo, and easily – man. How much would you need to make per month to do this as part of your routine duties? Me? More money than they make in Thailand. for the latest updates of snakes running around Thailand.
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I think youre a genious!! :O haha
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i’ll go get the antivenom then
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that guy has balls. lucky that snake didn’t sink its fangs into them.
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i would just kill the snake , then change the light bulb
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wonder if the snake knew the guy shit his
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I would love to get close to these
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stupid ideas like this one deserves a nice bite to the crotch!
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Omg Know i know what is worst job :D
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well, there’s an idea…
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agreed my friend. Willy was probably just a little nub at that point.
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hahahahha - yeah, please.
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hahahha – yeah, never thought about that… but he probably did.
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lol, yeah he is – and he should be, electricity KILLS man.
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That’s definatly most dangerous job!
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wow thats crazy it didnt bit him and just staring at him being so close.
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i think the cobra’s get a sleeping pil,something wrong with them i think,lol
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Why not mount the light *outside* the cage?
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No time for Free Willy 🙂
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Sir , If you drop the lightbulb , It’s the end of your life
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maybe put some fucking clothes on?
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– Hopefully we will over to your area around April time next year…so i could get lucky and FINALLY find a wild king. Both the kings here are doing great, the little chinese has just starting to eat rodents, with a tiny section of snake attached. I’ve just finished off an article that is about acclimitising wild king cobras, and it will be up on the website soon. Ill get a PDF copy across to you though if you want to have a read.
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Yep. March/April is the best time to see the kings here man. At one point they had 10 King cobras over there. They have a cute 2.5 m king now – that I have my eye on… should really wait for one smaller I know… I’ll wait. I’ll be patient and wait for a little one. They’re so fast when they’re little, eh? How’s your Chinese King coming along?
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Hey Vern, where did all those kings come from?! Local rescues?
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He is very carefull to mot touch the + of the 220V