seano12 asked:
When I first played Bethesda’s new title, The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, I immediately knew Bethesda copied storyline, dialogue, gameplay, and various other content from other video games. Is this the future of gaming? Is this what many people really payed 59 USD for? 59 USD for content that is featured in video games such as Fallout 3, Oblivion, Call of Duty, Halo 2, Command and Conquer Generals, and so on. Please leave a comment below to express how you feel on this subject. Please feel free to subscribe and like this video. Please share this video with friends and family to extend the truth to the gaming community. Thank you Song is In the End by Linkin Park, copyright of WMG.
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1v1 me
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I really am not sure if trolling or not…
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When he busted out motherfucking Dragon Tales, I knew this guy did his homework. Now I feel disgusted for having supported Bethesda’s shameless thievery.
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You kiddin’ me? All those games featured are just copying Pong, the Modern era just can’t handle the sandbox abilities that Pong has.
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854 of those dislikes were from the bethesda game studio employees
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GreyBeards = Gandolf the Grey
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I didn’t buy skyrim because it wasn’t as I thought……too many references , cheap dialogues , Gordon Freeman dialogues , mobs , samecrap over and over , cheap arrow joke etc !
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hahaha so stupid
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Don’t know if I should laugh or cry, with the stupid comments on this video made from children who shouldn’t even have access to game series like The Elder Scrolls.
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this was hilarious.
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Like every fucking game has this stuff…
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oh god really?
people forget old Linkin Park already?
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the song is part of the joke.
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Oh yeah cause trees, decapitation, chickens and dragons were all invented by those other games…..XD
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LMAO dragon tales
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you idot half those games they made! btf3 and such!
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kidding me? this game isnt worth 5 bucks they copied everyon!
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hah, i didnt pay a thing for Skyrim.
*sunglasses coming down*
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who cares if it might be a rip off it still a good game
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I know this gotta be a joke
but for Ysmir beard, choose a proper song!
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why would you cry towards THIS
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just got done reading the description newsflash buddy fallout 3 and oblivion are both bethesda games and most of the things you list are small things we mostly ignore like so what if the terrains are the same a lot of games do that also why did you list that chickens look the same your making a big deal over small things
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The rant was needless because the video is a joke. You’re an idiot for thinking anything other.
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You lack common sense.
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dude at 4:40 its a fucking chicken you little douche and really and at 0:28 how the hell else are you supposed to cut wood and at 0:40 what in the hell was that and also what was that at 1:14 you just slowed it down and at 3:3o no no jsut no fuck you dude fuck you i bet you couldnt even come up with one thing for any other game like fallout and also they are similiar that doesnt mean anything! dude just screw you