Some how, some way, Microsoft is attempting to justify their absurdly high costs for downloading their digital content. A copy of Halo Reach goes for nearly $80 US in Europe, when the reality is that these games should be about half the cost of retail store disc based games.Click here to read the related article, – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – CLICK HERE FOR A FREE NETFLIX TRIAL, COURTESY OF NGT: SUBSCRIBE FOR INDIVIDUAL GAME VIDEO NOTIFICATIONS: VISIT OUR WEBSITE FORUMS, GO TO: CHECK OUT OUR LIVE STREAMING SERVICE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR FACEBOOK APP, GO TO: FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK, GO TO: FOLLOW US ON TWITTER, GO TO: FOR AMAZING GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR NGT DIRECTOR VIDEOS, GO TO: FOR OUR RAW, LIVE STREAM FOOTAGE, GO TO:
Microsoft, the Rip-Off Experts | The future of Gaming sucks
TheGUNNShop asked:
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i think now a day gamers are retarded consumers, ive looked if people even care and they think its ok.
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Bill Gates needs hanging by his balls!!!
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They really are ripoff experts. They do digital downloads way fucked up, all the way down to the storage issues of the games themselves. I have a rant about it on my channel.
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Young gunns
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yeah but i don’t think he downloads games for 80$
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i just buy my friends games for a low price or i go to gamestop
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Corporate Greed.
It’s everywhere…
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Im sure this is the last thing you wanna hear, Im not a fanboy, lol, but I suggest you get a PS3 or PC…
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Someone who talks sense! Couldn’t agree more, they are out for you money under the guise of convenience which anyone with a brain will know is bollocks. There is only one way to make sure this isn’t with us in the future, don’t buy into it now!
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@xDoubleZer00x Agreed. Mw2 dlc is around 50$ on dlc
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Xbox tried to steal money from me. I have autorenewal OFF and they still tried to charge my card. To bad for them I had them banned from charging my card since they wouldn’t let me remove it from billing. My account is now suspended and I can’t use xbox live codes… Not my fault they tried to steal from me…..I should be a silver account!
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Its an absolute joke. Blackops is £44.99 on DLC… or I cud just spend £10 on eBay!
Its not even a new game!!
MW2 Map packs are still like £25…
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Because you would never win Microsoft is Multi-million dollar corporation and your a single voice in a flood of consumers who they couldn’t careless about.
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Why dont you take MS to court over unfair retail practices?
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the rest of the them suck and are worth $0 and 0 cents
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to me the only halo games the are slightly descent are halo reach and halo combat evolved
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Microsoft is going to loose money going all online.I buy stuff I see in stores, most of the time i walk in and never know what I really want.I talk to the retailer they tell you whats good whats new ect. None of these things happen online and Microsoft knows it. If the game stores go away no one will promote their new console most will go back to the PC games, can we say bankruptcy.That’s why online is more money and will even go higher to offset the losses as the stores close
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Microsoft rips off people. Sony is the least secure. I may like Nintendo the best, but I respect the other consoles. But some of the DLC and examples such as this are why ps3/x360 loves to rip people off. The wii u will have an online store, i just hope it doesn’t do things like this. Please don’t flame me for liking Nintendo, that’s just immature.
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Game stores (for example Gamestop) are also rip offs, I feel. For example, selling an excellent condition copy of a good game that is worth at Least 40$, you get only 5$. There’s a huge problem there.
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i much prefer the physical copies of games so i can share it with friends
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I picked one up for my nephews an figured I could play all the FEW games (6 total) I wanted to try, the DASHBOARD is ADVERTISEMENT HELL, holy crap it’s bad, an Xbox Live forces you to pay to use stuff the PS3 gives up for free. Why should I pay to use Facebook or Youtube, Microsuck does not own these services. I already have an internet connection.
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red dead redemption is 40 bucks. you can pick it up used for 15 bucks. are you kidding me. atleast Steam has good weekend deals that are actually good deals.
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Just so everyone knows, your bank info can be hacked through x-box live and X_box will not give your money back to you for 25 days, even though it is their bad security that caused the problem!!!!!!!!!!! And they do not care that it’s christmas time!
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N64 cartridges is where it’s at. No loading screens.
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Disc are only high because of packaging and marketing but if say a game in the store is about always around 60$ so if the same game in my opinion is a dd it should be the same price to make it fare because if dd is the future theres still going to be people that like disc so make the price the same for disc and dd