ebayisajoke asked:
Ebay Stealth: www.vlogpay.com – Get Paid To Vlog http – No Seller Feed www.linkdirt.com – Lifetime Website Links $5 http – Warnings about Ebay www.paypalblows.org – Warnings about Paypal Ebay allows large transactional sellers to rip off buyers monthly on ebay. We found one called -BatteryGalaxy- that is not performing to it’s buyers ripping them off or misrepresenting that they have items in stock that they list for sale-auction. When will ebay finally boot these people for ripping off buyer, when will ebay stop ripping off buyers through it’s non performing sellers? I certify that I am the legal producer and owner of this video and it’s content. All rights are reserved. For information please contact http
new site
OMG this is just rotten, I think we need to start calling these people out on youtube, these non-performers and scammers. Maybe ebay will sh*t can their accounts.
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check out this super seller ‘argos’ from the UK nearly 800,000 feedbacks and 300 negs amonth
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Sellers like this give these categories “high risk” then new sellers are suspended for selling in such categories. New sellers with perfect feedback just starting out are pushed off the system because of poor performance sellers taking advantage of the paypal/ebay dispute system. I’d rather buy from someone with 10 transactions all positive then from someone with 500,000 transactions with a 99.9 percent feedback any day.
new site
alot of sellers are like that look at skullcandy and look at bhexpress they got over 300 negs this month but i bought 13 items of them and there a great seller!!!!!but when you are selling alot of items and making money buyers are out to get you
new site
not good enough when you don’t perform for 1 month on various items under 10 bucks, that you claim you have and don’t ship. lol
new site
seller has 99.7
new site
is 99.7 feedback bad now
new site
I don’t care if this guy has 15 million transactions, the first rule of buying on ebay from a buyer’s standpoint is not to buy from someone that has hundreds of thousands of transactions, reason being is because if there is a problem with your item, he could care less about your negative, which he is displaying right now on his record. There are many sellers like this. Don’t deal with sellers that have over 1,000 transactions unless they are all 100% positive.
new site
that’s exactly what I would hear from ebay, so you sure you don’t work for ebay? Listen the fact of the matter is, it’s not what he has previously in transactions, it’s what he/she (seller) has decided to do at the current time which is rip off buyers. A seller could have great performance for 4 years then when he knows he/she is finished, he could then decide to deceive or rip off buyers the last year he is on. This may not be the case for this seller, but he non-performs.
new site
uh, look at how many positives they have. Yeah he got 59 negs in one month, but 14,857 positives! In one year, 631 negs, but 202,082 posiutives! The guy has a 97.7% feedback rating – DUH
new site
how many do you currently have? have you kept all the information from each one?
new site
I would like to list all the scumbag deadbeat bidders i get on some website. and i dont mean their ebay user id’s, i mean their real names and addresses