Disgusting Fast Food Workers Caught On Tape 22 Replies Izzybi1996 asked: Gross people making food in restaurants. wholesale mobiles
HawkzoneMinecraft July 2, 2013 at 7:06 am Cellular Discount Dear jesus, 6 Bucks for a hamburger? holy RIP-OFF Reply ↓
A S July 3, 2013 at 7:23 pm New Site this is totally fake can you see they are not at mcdonalds they are making stuff at home. besides they are not even real workers Reply ↓
Beeblez55 July 10, 2013 at 11:22 am local lawyers I saw your Miley Cyrus video with that same ugly puppet thing and it’s so hilarious XD Reply ↓
talkingalwayz July 15, 2013 at 7:54 am New Site Wow.. talk about too much free time on your hands. Do your homework Reply ↓
MellyCool1 July 17, 2013 at 12:35 am blog software FUNNY PARTYS IS 0;3 TO 10;;0 AND 0 51 TO 103 AND BEST PART OF ALL IS 3;00 2 3;25 Reply ↓
thisismyusernamemr July 18, 2013 at 8:43 am New Site This is fake. They are not real McDonalds workers Reply ↓
kittykatty0729 July 19, 2013 at 8:02 pm Super Exotic Cars 3:00 is the best part to i was so suppost to go to bed but i decided to go on youtube and watch this vid when i seen that 3:00 part i bursted out with laughter!!luck me no one heard!yaaay! Reply ↓
V2DHEART July 22, 2013 at 2:21 pm College Social omg that thing at the start of the vid is so freaky lol -v2dheart 4 life! Reply ↓
Izzybi1996 July 29, 2013 at 10:36 am Uggs we did have so much fun! Every time we do a video we laugh so hard… Reply ↓
new site
Tooo funny
Cellular Discount
Dear jesus, 6 Bucks for a hamburger? holy RIP-OFF
Thank you captain obvious.
New Site
this is totally fake can you see they are not at mcdonalds they are making stuff at home. besides they are not even real workers
local lawyers
I saw your Miley Cyrus video with that same ugly puppet thing and it’s so hilarious XD
1:10 i’d still eat that bread!! XDDD
New Site
Wow.. talk about too much free time on your hands. Do your homework
blog software
FUNNY PARTYS IS 0;3 TO 10;;0 AND 0 51 TO 103 AND BEST PART OF ALL IS 3;00 2 3;25
New Site
This is fake. They are not real McDonalds workers
Super Exotic Cars
3:00 is the best part to i was so suppost to go to bed but i decided to go on youtube and watch this vid when i seen that 3:00 part i bursted out with laughter!!luck me no one heard!yaaay!
Fancy Kitchen
And 1:35 and 1:38
vintage audio
1:10 is the best part!!!!!
College Social
omg that thing at the start of the vid is so freaky lol
-v2dheart 4 life!
Home care rentals
car accident
Haha i know! (:
we did have so much fun! Every time we do a video we laugh so hard…
Big Payoffs
Haha! so muchh fun!(:
live in concert
omg the filmer
future DIR
first :D