worldwide1504 asked:
We were instructed to destroy all of the items you see being done so in this video. Don’t listen to the rumors! We were not fired for filming this, we quit before we even posted it. Check out the 2nd video!
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I got the chance to rip up a chair the other day. #OMAX
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Hey, I have this job. This is the only highlight of my logistics days.
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I think we should have flamethrowers for destroy items.
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god amen to that. Im sick of it. The gen manager comes in and everyone runs like u just turned on the lights on some cockroaches
I love how all the comments are from office max employees 😛 I am sitting here in my omax uniform wishing I could go back and do this
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I Work For Office Max And I Never Thought Of Going All Out On The Distroy Part Of The Job So Going To Be Doing That On My Shift This Week.
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i use to work for OMX i use to do that to DnD stuff why waste money to ship it back to have the manufacturer to destroy it when u can do it for yourself.. AND have fun doing it too!!
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Once we did a DND where we went to our roof and just dropped stuff to see which had the biggest break.
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officemax suck,suck managers,suck copy service,there is nothing good about this store
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I freaking love DNDS! LOL!
Who got to be one of the lucky few to destroy the Peter Walsh cardboard cutout?
Screw driver was my weapon of choice….
Also the way they were riding around on the pallet jacks can cause injury. Not to be a spoil sport but I’ve had a pallet jack ram the back of my ankle by accident and two years later my foot/ankle is still kinda messed up from it.
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awesome! how much do you have to turn the hanle to spin out like that?! i wonder what peter walsh would have to say about this!
You have to completely destroy the product in order to have it seem ludacris if someone dug it out to return it. 1139 1156
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@HolyBats your an idiot for even replying to my comment i made over 2 years ago… i havnt even been working there since that long
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0431, hollaa
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If someone tells me to destroy something, I’m going to destroy something.
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You know when they say destroy they mean to break a piece or a small part of it then throw it away. And shrink can still be caused if any of you idiots got hurt!
it looks the same as ours, too! I had to watch it a few times just to realize our baler is in a different spot. btw, heres a shout out from 0839!
New Site
it looks the same as ours, too! I had to watch it a few times just to realize our baler is in a different spot. btw, heres a shout out from 0839!
and you are one of the assholes who causes boredom. these guys are just doin their receiving work
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i never sell max. i sell kits all day
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i wanna learn how to use a pallet jack like that! im from 1100
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Man, I miss these days! Y’all were crazy!!!
I pushed one out the back door of receiving. Shattered glass all over the place!