RussiaToday asked:
Millions of shop owners in India are fighting for their survival, as the threat of outside competition knocks at the door. While entry for international supermarket giants has been shelved for now, there are those who argue the move would be good for consumers and employment. RT’s Priya Sridhar investigates. RT on Facebook: RT on Twitter:
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Recent News : FDI will come to India in 6 months 🙂
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and wall mart dosent live off the back of others… wall mart destroyed small bussynesses and indsutry in the usa, by living of the back of 3 world countrys who can produce cheaper wall marts profit is americas destruction or anywhere elses, small bizz that support local brands are the way to go
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i say go for it. If walmart can provide a cheaper good then the consumer will chose Walmart. But maintain the free market, watch out for monopolies, if the govt begins to favor walmart destroy it!
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First of all, Walmart and Tesco will destroy India by taking cutting off and ultimately destroying the occupation and income of lakhs of small outlets and retailers. Secondly and most importantly, they will drain the revenue generated out of India to USA and UK respectively.. so a big NO to Walmart and Tesco.
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i’ll help you get started: ‘Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price’ and Frontline’s ‘Is Wal-Mart Good For America?’.
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pardon me but a fool is someone who blindly supports a malign corporation like walmart without getting all the facts. do your research rather than asking someone to do it for you.
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@peacerebelgirl, why don’t you give me these reasons directly, rather than citing unnamed documentaries like a fool. Please state to me how a more efficient supply chain which provides lower prices to consumers is undermining the economy. There are far more consumers than shopkeepers, and so there would be a net gain from WalMart mass-retail entities. Otherwise, you are depriving a larger number of consumers just to protect a smaller number of shopkeepers. That’s not fair.
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you are sadly misinformed and delusioned about walmart. there are some good documentaries that detail how walmart is not good for the economy, the people or small family owned businesses.
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Because as you may or may not know. The only thing that most regulations and minimum wages do not impact as much, Are the larger businesses sitting up top. In fact some of them VOTE for maintaining regulations, Because it keeps many competitors at bay or prevents other smaller businesses from achieving huge success. Because by then. The bigger guys would of bought the little one out because of financial instability due to heavy taxing regulations.
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it and many other governmental agencies are responsible for many of those ridiculous prices that have now resulted and FORCED people to be on some type of insurance program that would guarantee the hospitals and pharmaceutical companies stable income.
And again i’m not defending businesses that try to get politically involve to protect it’s self somehow from competition. We would have far more smaller buisinesses competing if we got rid of most regulations.
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Our very own healthcare system is becoming more expensive BECAUSE of government being heavily involved. The FDA so far has failed in achieving it’s initial goal by protecting people. It has blocked some and many bad drugs. But it has also blocked many more good drugs while heavily stalling advancements within the medical field.
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Also it’s funny how so many people have been tricked by our very own government that the free market has failed, Health insurance costs are rising as a result of a failure of the free market. Both of which are completely false. They where quite successfully in spouting rhetoric about the free market being unstable and unable to work on it’s own. It’s the high misconception that has tricked so many people into voting for more regulations without looking at evidence
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“house bubble”, but what about student loans and credit card debt, insurance and medical expenses, social security and benefits?house bubble”, but what about student loans and credit card debt, insurance and medical expenses, social security and benefits?”
Social security and Student loans are GOVERNMENT run, With the exceptions of private loans which are different.
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you are right it was given the name “financial crisis”. I mean that large “pillar” companies collapsed. you talk about “house bubble”, but what about student loans and credit card debt, insurance and medical expenses, social security and benefits? these people at the top have heavy ties to companies that lobby to change laws and allow deregulation to create the “artificial financial systems” in which they profit at the expense of whom ever (small businesses, slave labor, etc)
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Again there is NO system in history and i challenge you to find one, That has brought people out of poverty than Free trade. Every prosperous society has had large portions of free trade. The problems in india today are NOT a result of it, But rather a result of restricting it and limiting peoples freedom to choose.
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‘ACTUALLY deregulation was what caused the financial collapse of 2008″ Are you talking about the U.S or india? The U.S financial DECLINE not collapse. Was caused by the artificial housing bubble that finally burst. You guys have to understand. There is no permanent solution with government involvement. Only tradeoffs and effects taht have done more harm than good. Most ALL monopolies throughout history that where created had some form of government interference.
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the only thing that this supposed “contribution” has brought the world is massive population growth and together with that, more and more underprivileged people with no means of education and no easy way out of their inherited poverty.
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ACTUALLY deregulation was what caused the financial collapse of 2008. massive “bailouts” with tax payer money were given to the same companies that killed small businesses while these companies went on ahead to buy entire jet flotillas and be caught up in prostitution and cocaine rings. what do you think they use the money for? to help you go to school an become whatever you want?
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because the supposed increase of the standard of living is a complete lie! the only change will be class division and the county will be divided economically to make it an easier target to foreign interests. Indian people will be separated and conquered. thanks to some sold out Indian politicians 😉
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that’s how it starts. wait and you will see. Im ashamed of how ignorant people are. 🙁 Now you say small business prices are lower or comparable, wait until walmart starts lobbying in India and the small business prices are forced up through legislation. You have no idea of what is to come to you. Good luck. you will need a lot of it if you allow Walmart to enter India. BTW 21th century wars are being fought economically.
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What do Crime rates have anything to do with Diversity of Consumer Products, Increased Standards of Living or Development of a Nation ?
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and the only ones who can afford those higher paying wages are the big corporate elites like you are saying. Over and over people make the same mistake with reading the title and not seeing the actual contents of a policy that sounds good on paper but does read out as the effects.
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and also if you deregulate the economy, Smaller businesses will be able to sprout out really quickly giving us back the mom and pop era. Without the minimum wage standard mom and pop shops can hire more people to work for them, Thus in exchange the workers obtain skills to quickly move up to higher paying jobs.
in the 50’s the minimum wage standard hardly effected people so more where able to grasp opportunity. Now it is harder than ever to find a job because of it.
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There is no evidence to back your claims unless the company somehow gets politically involved to snuff out competition. Otherwise you like everyone else will have to compete. If you cannot compete directly head on with just product. Then offer services to make up for the price. Every transaction within the market is voluntary. So nobody is “forced” to do anything unless it is by government.