RandyChristiansen asked:
The following is based on real people and real events. Any similarities are made so on purpose. Thank you for shopping at Walmart. The original upload date to this video was on my Retroxity account on July 6th, 2010
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@Deflection Oh please don’t do the “black folks shit” white people && Indians are the main ones that come through my line claiming they seen something in a sales papers && stick to they store until I pull out the so called ad!! Get the fuck out of here!! I say we need to cut the price matching shit out cuz we loosing money when these jack asses come in basically stealing!!
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I like how one is white and one is black. Haha.. I get these kind of customers all the time. Dumb jaymouas!
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I agree with this. I just recently left Wal-Mart and it was so true.
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OMFG, this is just too damn funny and WAY too realistic. I used to work at Wal-Mart years ago; not as a cashier, but as a stockperson. That’s one of the reasons I had to get the hell out of there. I liked the work I did, I just hated dealing with the people. They totally blame you if what they want is not on the shelf, and it’s your fault that they drove out there and didn’t pay attention to when the sale in the ad ends. I can’t deal with stupid people, especially not in mass quantities.
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It’s a shame that walmart is so trashy
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OMG I have to deal with this shit all the time!!
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What’s funny – and sad – about this brilliant video is that there is a large degree of truth in everything that is said. Anyone who has ever worked retail can verify an awful lot of this. People have evolved into these obnoxious, self-entitled, temper tantrum-throwing twits. I only hope that at some point, the big shots in the corporate offices for these companies start to allow these people to be dealt with in a sane way, i.e. “Sorry, sir/ma’am, we’d rather not have your business.”
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“What the cuss.” Lol : )
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This is so accurate its ridiculous, I work fr wal=mart, and its really not my favorite thing to do. I enjoy working w/people just not in that setting. The customer is not always right.
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I worked retail nearly 35 years ago. It sure sounds like NOTHING’S CHANGED!
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this is so bad. this is so horrible that people do these things to other people. its hilarious!
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when i go to walmart, i do what i wanted to do
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Maybe she misheard that Home Depot was selling “stakes”.
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“Baby has free speech” HAHAHAHAHA
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Just say the fucking swear word
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omg so funny BUT TRUE!
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Thats part of the funniness of this.
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hes still technically swearing. chaning the word doesnt change its meaning.. -.- if he really wanted to not swear, he could just.. not swear.
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Amen!I did work for Fido Wireless over the phone.You wouldn’t BELIEVE the customers I got!
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“Can you perhaps try to calm your baby down?” Answer: “No. And my baby has free speech. He can cry all day long.” Bwaaahahhahaaaa!!!!
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Too funny
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Omfg this is so accurate! I’m a CSM at a walmart, and i can think of so many customers like this. how sad.