Walmart’s Pork Supplier Exposed

hsus asked:

WARNING: Contains graphic footage. The Humane Society of the United States investigated two of the top five pork producers in the US, one of them being a direct supplier of pork to Walmart, to find the ugly truth behind the gestation crate system and the misleading quality standards and animal welfare commitments from the industry.

new site

25 thoughts on “Walmart’s Pork Supplier Exposed

  1. new site

    new site

    This is why i don’t eat meat. And yes i know eatting animals is apart of the food chain. But i just can’t stand to think about how they animals are treated! This has when TOO far, it HAS to come to a stop!

  2. new site

    new site

    I cannot believe how cruel people are. These are innocent animals god damn it! Stop hurting them! They deserve to live better than this! There is no excuse for this kind of torture and cruelty!

  3. new site

    new site

    You sound really stupid!!! and ignorant!!… Dont use God’s name in your mess.

    Although it’s “just a Big” Feelings still exist…. who in there right think what we’ve witness in this video is not cruel… Cutting out the parts of an animal and to hear/see the pig scream like that and does not affect you….I’m speachless-you have no human emotion-

    myvegan-journey.blogspot com

  4. new site

    new site

    The owner should get a chance to live like the pigs… in a cage so small that he can’t move. or have something ripped out of their body without any pain killer. This is soooo heart breaking. I could never help someone cause so much harm to an army FOR MONEY!!!

  5. new site

    new site

    At first I thought so what, the pigs are being used for food, what does it matter if they are in a small cage. Then as the video goes on it shows all the horrors that go on and the torturing of the animal. Food or not, I draw the line at the cutting the pigs testicles off and all of the pain and misery. If they wanna make bacon out of the pigs so be it, but it is evil and wrong to just set there and torture the pigs like that.

  6. new site

    new site

    You know, I have looked at animal slaughter house videos and barely offended me but this….I just saw the piglets screaming and how they cannot turn around…they must have claustrophobia for like their entire life. This is sick…I don’t eat pork and now I will never will because I just want these pigs to roam free.

  7. new site

    new site

    Well we can see who’s the ignorant and inhuman here, right?Everybody has the right to their own opinion, but when someone makes a comment like this it makes me feel so aggravated to see freaking people being so insensitive!Animals might be created to be eaten, but for you to be okey with any sort of living being suffering for a long time and a slow pain, when they feel pain just like you and me, makes me say you are a worthless “human” being, no wonder why the name, explains it all

  8. new site

    new site

    I suppor killing animals blah blah.. But I damn dont support killing things in a slow way.. or just causing misseray.. like really if you going to kill the damn pig make sure they live a painless life and kill them quickly.. Like wth thats just not right I mean I know they going to die anyways or you going to kill them.. But dont mess up their life like that.

  9. new site

    new site

    This is true, I worked in a gestation barn for two years and while I didnt agree with how things were done it was all i could do for a job at the time, I wish there was a way to change this but I doubt it. and yes I feel terrible about it

  10. new site

    new site

    This is one of those moments where I feel the most hopeless; If an animal, I would be abused terribly and relentlessly without any legit cause except for another’s greed and minimal hunger pangs. Then if I am human, I’d be a monster. Generally, I AM a monster.

    How can one live on a planet where they rather not be human or animal? Where they would rather be nothing, where I’d rather be nothing?

    How can someone ask me to have such hope for and while on this planet?

  11. new site

    new site

    should i like or dislike this video
    i think people r liking it cause it’s putting it in a negative aspect but i think that people r disliking it because of the footage being so horrible

  12. new site

    new site

    when people talk about the world ending, I bet they are just thinking humanity is going to end but everything else will stay the same. Honestly, I would have no proble with that. Humans are a horrible species cosumed by greed and destroying the rest of the planet so we can achieve selfish goals. We’re all horrible beings!

  13. new site

    new site

    To put it bluntly, I don’t care. I do not at all value pig life in any sense of the word, other than their nutritive value. I find it incredibly stupid that people say things like “Instead of pigs, lets put some of these heartless humans”. Pigs are food, end of story. they will eventually be killed and eaten. If you don’t like it, don’t eat meat because this is what happens to the things we eat. If the meat is unhealthy to eat that is one thing, but I don’t care beyond that

  14. new site

    new site

    there pigs no pigs no food lol people are so dumb its just an animal its called survival of the fittes god put those animals for us to eat to fuck and make out with them and live with them all they know is eat and breed nothing else its just an animal wat other use is there for em


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