djlogitek asked:
Nathan Moulton shows just how easy it is to get on a Walmart intercom to spread some 9/11 truth. Music: Remo Conscious – Loose Change
Nathan Moulton shows just how easy it is to get on a Walmart intercom to spread some 9/11 truth. Music: Remo Conscious – Loose Change
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>conspiracy nuts
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Hey! at least you got the facts right
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Wow…some douche regurgitating what he hears online over a Walmart intercom. Impressive…really.
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they changed it to #963
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Alright, normally I hate this sort of thing but this was kinda hilarious
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haha im going to do samthink like that
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good work ;D And you’re cute too.
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lol.. Walmart changed the page code.
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That’s funny
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Look at 2:17 Walmart employee in the background just passed nd don’t give a fuck ;
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This guy is a straight Badass.
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is that northland walmart
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Hey check out this video of my friends twerking and running from the cops. Just search twerkville.
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whats the number
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takes balls ^^^
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Lol, this is the walmart where I live
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@djlogitek You are the stupidest person in the world.
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haha, have you no knowledge of history?
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2:17 walmart employee in the background he dosent give a shit lol