FridayNightCranks asked:
Friday Night Cranks prank calls a Wal-Mart saying Brandon thinks his two year old child was left inside. Wal-Mart was then put on lockdown… This shows you how useless Wal-Mart employees can be We tried to call back and tell them it was a joke after the show but no one would answer..
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dude thats hilarious
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@bunnyboo1321 it’s called Skype
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Ownage pranks is better
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That akward moment when they found a child named amy in pinic basket O.o
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Ha ha that was so funny
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if the number is tracable then how is he not getting caught??!?!?!?! im so confused…ahhaha
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3540 people work at Wal-Mart
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check out our vids! 🙂
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I get we all like he-ha’s but this was definitely not a good one…missing children r nothing to play around with 100’s to 1000’s go missing a day, this prank call had police involved for no reason other then someone looking for a he-ha n I guarantee there was some little boy or girl truly missing that they could’ve truly saved n we all want to laugh n prank call stores to entertain others!!!! This is a serious matter n nothing to play around with. I work for Walmart and I will b sending this t
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i like the girl in the back she is having so much fun
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I kno u boy… U in big trouble now.
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this is NOT funny!!
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if he told you then it wouldn’t me magical.
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did they say clearwater walmart? i live right by there
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you guys called walmart through skype?
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O M G ….lol
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That is actually a serious complaint. The store person would be obligated to call police and then you would be wasting their time and resources.
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BEST PRANK EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dont give out numbers on the internet…
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Question: Are you using skype and calling through multiple proxies, is that how they don’t catch you?
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youre so screwed yet it was so worth it
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