Walmart Goes On Lockdown Prank Call

FridayNightCranks asked:

Friday Night Cranks prank calls a Wal-Mart saying Brandon thinks his two year old child was left inside. Wal-Mart was then put on lockdown… This shows you how useless Wal-Mart employees can be We tried to call back and tell them it was a joke after the show but no one would answer..

new site

25 thoughts on “Walmart Goes On Lockdown Prank Call

  1. new site

    new site

    I get we all like he-ha’s but this was definitely not a good one…missing children r nothing to play around with 100’s to 1000’s go missing a day, this prank call had police involved for no reason other then someone looking for a he-ha n I guarantee there was some little boy or girl truly missing that they could’ve truly saved n we all want to laugh n prank call stores to entertain others!!!! This is a serious matter n nothing to play around with. I work for Walmart and I will b sending this t


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