OwnagePranks asked:
This is a prank call to Walmart that I did on my last live show. A ton of people requested that I upload it to YouTube, so here it is 🙂 Register on my website for more pranks and to join the community! ownagepranks.com Check out the Buk Lau Asian soundboard that was recently made! http facebook.com twitter.com myspace.com Subscribe to my 2nd channel for short pranks & extras! youtube.com Subtitles by: youtube.com Intro/Outtro animation by Ricky: digitalricky.com
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Maxmoefoe or OwnagePranks ?
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im proud to say that i can officially do the baklau voice perfectly! i talk to my friend from vietnam in baklau voice!
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I open the booklet and all i see is a Nigga Fucking a Unicorn XDXDXDXD I died laughing, good thing they burried my computer and wifi in the casket
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You should call someone and keep switching voices so it sounds like you’re giving the phone over and over to different people in a multi racial family xD
Tyrese: Yo, what up babe?
Asian: Herrow ^^
and so on
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Thats awesome hahahahahaha
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Anytime! Glad you were happy with this comment and gave it positive feedback! Hahaha
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thanks my speakers where broken
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I always see a nigga fucking a unicorn.
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So impressive for Buklao! She learned the alphabet real quick in a matter of minutes! between 3:25 and 8:02. Marna didn’t find out she was set up!
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I don’t know the alfabarets what the hell it ABFQI
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You can tell as soon as the wal mart lady was like I need ur name u could tell he got excited to go get buk lau n do all that name shit bahahahha
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@explosion1369 cant for get android jheaaaa
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the last word is… DEPARTMENT lmao
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LIKE-AHH-SUM-BOOOOO-DEEEEE needs to do a ventrillo harrassment with the Buk Lau sound board.
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Worq Gui= ranga-ha-tima-mon-goyum-tirum-gai?
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Worq gui=work right
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I Swear i thought it was Nigga department lmaooo
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Lemme go get her… Yo ranga-ha-tima-mon-goyum-tirum-gai!
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the begining sounds like hello welcome to bitch walmart
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Wow this guy talks gooood black dialect. Im black so i know
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