Yo look FUCK ALL U stupid ass fucking niggers u are the ones that think u are all cool but not cool is seein u get wiped by us red necks wile u r in chains picking my god damn cotton bitch fuck u niggers KKK mother fucker
check me out on facebbook……Jerry Seltzer, born June 3,1932……not quite 80 yet………….but I have 5000 friends on facebook, a twitter account, and more. don’t f**k with us old ones.
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Fire red 4s 1:09!
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Wala wala
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an 80 year ol who has not been to a wal*mart yet is on here (Youtube) sayin ‘F***ing’. Idk.. I just dont know.. lol
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what wallmart is this
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And we wonder why the Muslims call the US the Great Satan…
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Yo look FUCK ALL U stupid ass fucking niggers u are the ones that think u are all cool but not cool is seein u get wiped by us red necks wile u r in chains picking my god damn cotton bitch fuck u niggers KKK mother fucker
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crack kills
both the drug and the view
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@ 2:34 you will see chris brown….. How the fuck does he have a white mother?
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That shit was nice lmao
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its fun to go to walmar dressed weirdly
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your wrong
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check me out on facebbook……Jerry Seltzer, born June 3,1932……not quite 80 yet………….but I have 5000 friends on facebook, a twitter account, and more. don’t f**k with us old ones.
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No 80 year old would be on youtube.
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I do
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Does anyone else watch random videos just to read the comments???
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Check my walmart rap video out!
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Omfg! Lmao! :47 I just woke up my husband to show him the back tits and he opened one eye and said, EW! Then put his head back down to sleep! Lol
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must be smithfalls
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@rdcommish most people in upper 70’s don’t care about the interwebs, much less comment on a YouTube rap video. you’re f***ing 14.
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ha ah funny as hell
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i fucking hate walmart, its lika a white-trash-museum
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then you havnt really lived
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I am see my blog under Jerry Seltzer at WordPress. Roller Derby, women, and rock and roll and never going into a Walmart.
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bull shit 80 year old people dont look at you tube