RackaRacka asked:
Ronald McDonald puts an end to the Chicken Store opening down the road from Maccas. Massacre! WE’RE ON INSTAGRAM: @therackaracka Directed & Edited by: Danny & Michael Philippou.
Ronald McDonald puts an end to the Chicken Store opening down the road from Maccas. Massacre! WE’RE ON INSTAGRAM: @therackaracka Directed & Edited by: Danny & Michael Philippou.
Can’t believe people think this is actually real. Yeah, someone perfectly
recorded and edited this while it all happened. (triple face-palm)
Guitar Man Only
Girl: I don’t know
Ronald: you don’t know huh?
*kills girl*
Ronald: la la la looks about done
Ronald: clickity clickity clickity clickity chicken
Where’s the clicking chicken
*creepy face*
*opens door* FOUND YA
Home Theatre
If this is real, These men are f##ked up. I do not wanna go to mcdonalds.
Thanks, You son of a bi-
Fake Video…. but its kinda strange that we all heard the glass shatter
but it didn’t and many people say this is true… but its really actual
fake with special effects
New Site
You guys should add subtitles, your accents can be pretty hard to
And that’s! Why we don’t see McDonald anymore. He was admitted into an
Asylum for the criminally insane.
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I Swear This Is *EXACLY* Like Hotline Miami!
god tube
Okay we all know this is fake but WHAT if this was real and you were there?
((If you didn’t know this was fake,I’m worried about you.Because Ronald
isn’t real.and that’s just a guy who dressed up like that FreakShow
clown.and by the way if you are not sure if this is fake,how can you prove
this was real?))
This was real, i was outside the store when it happened, a minute earlier
and i would of been inside, lucky i wasnt, his still on the run from the
coppers i think, its crazy down here in aus these days
bad broker?
is this real??
Adam Smith
This is fake. Don’t you see the creators in the videos they made after
Man, weird little film. Just kinda sick to know people come with this
stuff. I think slasher movies are funny because of the plots, But this this
is just disturbing.
Snow Leopard
the funniest part of this video is the guy twisted gay voice
tow it yourself
i believe you little fucks are going to hell because you bring joy out of
creating vids like this about people dieing and suffering and no dip it
aint real
medical lease
Impressive, but too violent to enjoy. Although I can appreciate the talent
that went into it, I can’t give it a thumbs up or recommend it to others.
On the big screen it might be a major hit, mind you, but I wouldn’t go
watch. Here’s hoping you guys get recognized for your efforts, but I also
hope you mull your next series with a bit of understanding that you’re
sending a really bad message out to an impressionable audience.
If this is what the world becomes, you’ll be part of the reason. And, if
it goes down like that, I’ll have one hell of a time trying to mourn for
you when you become the victim of those who learned from your example.
And a generic point of view from an old fart with enough talent to
understand what you went through to achieve this:
Too much of cheap plotting and scripting in the world today. Violence and
special effects are no replacement for good writing, no matter how it’s
paced. When you do a SImpsons meme with live actors you send messages to
youth already primed to violence by conscienceless big media. What you’re
teaching will put a whole generation on Fox News, but not as heroes or
successes. What you’re doing is helping create the next group of folks
who’ll be tasered to death by freaked out police. On the plus side,
however, the Saudi owners of Fox will applaud your efforts. After all,
ratings will skyrocket as viewers watch your conceptual progeny get killed
on camera. Big bucks for big oil will be your legacy and, pardon me for
saying, that’s not even a teeny bit original.
Is that what you’re looking for?
Just sayin’ . . .
website designs
He saves he, from food poisoning!
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OMG this video is crazy
+Gamer kid 64 original is right it nasty!
Ronald McDonald Chicken Store Massacre:
Concert Videos
WHy do people find this pointless crap funny? It’s gross and violent. The
kind of thing serial killers would make in their spare time “for fun”
Creepy ass video
dmv locations
New Site
This “Ronald McDonald Chicken Store Massacre” was a sad chapter in the
history of america i would prefer to forget…
legal eagle
Ronald McDonald Chicken Store Más sacre:
No lo quiero volver a ver
Is this real I’m scared please tell me it fake anyone
is this for real or fake i am scared to go into mcdonalds im scraed for
life thansk to this video thanks u ruined my childhood im a kid
I dont know what to say …. my little brother like Mc donald so much but
after he watches this video and he thought it was real and scary ! Whenever
he saw the mcdonald clown , he does’nt want to eat Mcdonald’s anymore !!
Cheap Insures
i’m going to still to eat mcdonals why? because IT’S FREE! nah i’m kidding,
because i like it